Oswaldkirk community affairs are run by a Parish Meeting, which consists of the local government electors [members of the village over the age of 18]. Parish meetings have a number of functions, powers and rights of notification and consultation.
The powers [under the 1972 Local Government Act] of the Parish Meeting relate to allotments, bus shelters, burials, cemeteries and crematoria, charities, churchyards, commons, land, licensing, lighting, rights of way, village greens, war memorials, precept. The full details may be seen by following these links:
Previously there were thresholds for the number of electors in a parish above which, a parish council should be constituted, but these provisions have been replaced by the Community Governance Review regime introduced by the Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act 2007. This Act places principal councils under a duty to recommend that a parish should have a council in parishes which have 1,000 electors or more. In parishes with 151 to 999 electors [Oswaldkirk had 230 in 2011] the principal council may recommend the creation of either a parish council or a parish meeting. For further details see:
Parish Meeting Officers
The annual parish meeting elects a Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer who form the officers of the meeting.
The current officers are:
- Chair: Vacant
- Secretary: Vacant
- Treasurer: Mike Aherne
Telephone: 01439 787022 email the treasurer
Meeting minutes and documentation
Older meeting minutes and financial statements are available on request.
A copy of the village plan is also available on this website.