To see the very latest on the community space consultation, see the Oswaldkirk Play Park and Community Space Facebook page.
September 2024 update
Although planning permission was granted in June of this year, it has taken until early September for it to progress through the North Yorkshire Council Legal Department. The sale and purchase of the lands is now in the hands of our solicitors but, because we have entered into an agreement which is legally binding on both parties, we have nonetheless been able to make progress.
The area of land behind the Village Hall has been cut and sprayed, a new land drain has been laid to ensure good drainage, and within a few days the hedge on the western boundary will be trimmed back. We are intending to engage a contractor who will accomplish the task of laying the pathways, and once the ground is ready to receive it – seed will be sown on the areas set-aside for grass.
We are expecting the arrival of hedging plants and young trees from the Woodland Trust early in November. We have also been successful in obtaining a grant from The National Lottery. Currently we are consulting with advisors regarding equipment for the play area and the locations of tree planting.
In October we would like to welcome you to the Village Hall to look at the current plan and to update you on further developments. We will be there to answer questions, to receive feedback and suggestions, and to begin organising working parties (for example for tree planting). We hope as many Oswaldkirk residents as possible will be able to call in to our informal Open Day on Saturday October 12th. Further details will be sent out shortly.
For those that can’t make that date, we would always welcome constructive comments and the offer of volunteering by village residents at any time. Contact any of the Trustees.
March 2024 update
The Village Hall Trustees continue to work towards the purchase of land for a
community space with playground adjacent to the Village Hall and have now done
the work necessary to complete the planning application. This application by our
planning advisor, together with work by an architectural designer, can be viewed at:
The joint planning application includes plans for Mr Brannon’s proposed use of the
land he intends to purchase from us. Once past the granting of planning permission
we look forward to working collaboratively with interested members of the village
January 2024 update
Following the various rounds of consultations concerning the village play-area and the result
of an independently managed democratic Parish vote, the Village Hall Trustees decided that a
detailed, professional review of the entire process leading up to the meeting for the vote on
Thursday 9th November would be appropriate.
The solicitor undertaking the review found that all aspects of the process had been undertaken
correctly, trustees had sought appropriate advice from specialists as necessary, had complied
with the Charity’s Constitution, Charity Commission Guidance and that the Trustees had
behaved fully in accordance with Charity Law. In addition, the solicitor further commented
that the Trustees had done much more than what was necessary or required.
The Trustees are now confident that they can proceed in accordance with the majority of the
Parishioners wishes to the next stages of the process, the first being an application for
Planning Permission to create a playground in the existing paddock. A Planning Consultant
is undertaking this work, which is expected to take around three months to get to a decision.
This joint planning application also contains the Brannon’s application for a change of use of
the current playground to become their garden.
Concurrently, the Trustees are approaching play-ground equipment suppliers to obtain a
detailed design for the new play area. Outline designs and quotations were obtained some
time ago.
Further detailed discussions are in hand with the Brannons to explore how the best interests
of our Charity may be served.
The Trustees continue to welcome comments and suggestions for perusal though, following
the community vote the final decision on any issue will now be solely the responsibility of
the Trustees.
Community Space Consultation – voting result

Resolution: Approval to exchange the York Road Play-Area for an equal-sized plot at the rear of the Village Hall.
In Favour (Yes): 47 votes (53%)
Against (No): 42 votes (47%)
Total Votes Cast – 89
October 2023 update
Following the first village consultation in the Summer, some people felt they needed more information – particularly financial – in order to make a fully informed decision. The Village Hall Trustees subsequently gathered this information and presented it, along with summaries of the three remaining options, to the villagers on Friday 6th and Saturday 7th October. The information presented at this second consultation is shown below.
Villagers were asked to indicate their preferred option in order to assist the trustees in preparing an informed recommendation on which the village can vote.